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Athlete: Are you Embarrassing Your Coach and School?

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As a student athlete what you do in public affects your school, your coach, and your team.  When you decided to play on a team for your school or organization, you agreed to become a representative for that school or organization.  Which means you accepted the obligations to protect and support their image.  This includes through your actions.  Your actions have to be in line with what is acceptable by your school because you are now a part of it.  When people see you they see your school. So what if I posted that picture on Facebook?  It’s my page….

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Athlete: Are you a High Maintenance Player?

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As an athlete, part of being responsible means learning everything your coach is teaching to you and applying it during games.  This also involves keeping yourself mentally ready to continually apply what you’ve learned. Good job, Geraline!!! It’s okay, Geraline! Coach, was I supposed to run through on that play? Coach, was I supposed to switch on that defense? Keep your head up, Geral! Don’t quit, Geral! Above are some of the questions I have asked, and some of the things my coaches have said to me to boost my performance in various games.  At one time or another in…

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Athlete on a Team: ENJOY YOURSELF!

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One of the perks of being in college is that you get to meet a lot of people that you would not normally meet otherwise.  During your off-season, not only concentrate on improving your skills, but take time to enjoy yourself with others.  Associations with key people can help make your college life fun and exciting, along with contributing to your personal growth and development.   A person, alone off in college, isolated with few quality friendships and support systems, has a limited chance of personal growth and enjoyment. As a college athlete, you have a limited amount of time…

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Athlete: A Team Divided will Fall!

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One of the roles of your coach and teammates is to push you to become better.  Healthy competition among each other creates opportunities for each of you to grow in athletic skills and performance outside of regular competition with team opponents. It’s not personal, it’s for the team. From my last post, I told you about the meeting with my coach after my first season at UAB.  Recall he said, “I’m going to be honest with you.  I really don’t think that you are going to be a major factor on the team next year.  You see, we’ve got some…

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Athlete: What do you do during your OFF-SEASON?

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As an athlete you will have down time in your sport, the off-season.  What you do during this season will have a significant effect on you during your performance season.  It is during the off-season when you can hone your existing skills and learn new ones.  It’s the perfect time to improve because you can take an inventory of and focus on your weaknesses without the pressures associated with performance during the regular season. It was my turn.  I went to my coach’s office and sat down in front of him.  He said something like, “Well, Geraline.  It’s the end…

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Athlete: Do you THANK those who SUPPORT YOU?

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In order for you to advance or excel in any area of your life you are going to need some kind of support.  You can get that support through acts of kindness. As an athlete, you enjoy the rush associated with competing along with the idea of people watching you prove you are the best.  The more people that come to see the better.  Those people are your main supporters.  They are your fans.  Fans support your team, the school you represent, and you.  “Number 23, you played a great game!” I gave a halfhearted, “Thank you.” I don’t remember seeing that…

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Athlete: Do you think your COACH DOES NOT KNOW what he/she is doing?

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As an athlete your ultimate goal is to reach your highest potential in athletic skills, to perfect your performance, and excel in your athletic career.  But how are you going to do that?  Who is going to help you?  Where do you start? The answer to all of these questions resides with your coach.  Your coach has the resources that will help you achieve your athletic goals. It was late in the 4th quarter and we were neck and neck with our opponent.  Both our teams stayed within 2 point of each other. I was scoring and keeping my man from…

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College Athlete: Do you need a REFEREE?

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As a college athlete it is to your advantage to recognize all the authority figures in your environment.  This includes those in the sport in which you play.  Once you have determined who these authority figures are, identify their areas of expertise and give them what they require of you. She hit me again.   “Hey Ref, you didn’t see that?” “Cool it, number 23!” Shot.  She bumped me on the arm.  Missed again.  I can’t get open.  She’s holding my jersey.  “Ah, come on Ref!  Man, she holding me!” Whistle blows. It was about time he called her for a…

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To the College Athlete on a Team: How are you going to be in your next year?

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The next year of your career is coming.  It represents a new level of your life and will have new things for you to master.  In order to position yourself to be among the best in your sport and professional career, you have to work to master important things at the level you are currently on, and prepare for advancement to your next level, as well.   Learning everything that you need to know at each respective level helps in preparing you for the next. It was my freshman year at UAB and I was playing in the point guard position…

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Is your name what I say it is?

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Effective communication with others starts with the name. Honoring and respecting others plays a major role in getting along with people.  The first step in getting along with others is finding something in common with them.  That can only be accomplished if you get to know them. Each of us has a name that we prefer to be addressed by, whether it was given to us or we chose it.  Each of our respective names is special and we each have the right to say “This is my name.” When anyone calls your name it means they are trying to…

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