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Student Athlete: Your Family Needs You!

By | Team Building

Personal events that are unpleasant may occur in anyone of your teammates’ lives.  These events can often affect how your teammate will play and how successful the team will be in competition.  When any of your teammates are coping with these events, or trying to recoup from them, they will need your support. That’s none of my business.  It’s her problem. Someone told me she brought that on herself. I don’t want people to stop talking to me because I’m around her. I can’t help. The above should never be said by a teammate about another teammate. Your team is…

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Abused Student Athletes: You Are Stronger Than Ever!

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If you have ever been sexually abused by someone who was in authority over you, know that you are not a weak person.  You were innocent.  Whoever exploited you is a predator.  Predators are looking for ways to fulfill their selfish desires.  They’re irresponsible and selfish.  They seek out people they want and scheme to get what they want from them.  Their scheming involves finding unprotected areas to manipulate, in order to get close enough to you, to get what they want out of you.  Everyone on this earth has at least one weakness, or a need, and it makes…

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Athlete: Do You Know What You Look Like?

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One of the easiest things you can do to prepare yourself for success is to take control of your appearance.  Your appearance is what attracts people to you and it plays a significant role in how you influence them.  As an athlete, your appearance contributes to the image you portray about yourself and the school you represent.  It’s important that that image attract people that can support you and your program. No one is looking at my hair. That’s their problem if they don’t like what I have on. I’ll just wear some sweat pants, no one will notice. Wrinkles,…

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Student Athlete: What You Say Reveals Who You Are.

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What you say reveals the most about what type of person you are.  Part of your character is revealed when you talk to people in general conversation; therefore, a major goal to achieve in building your character is to learn how to monitor your speech.  Exercise being responsible when talking. You always tell it like it is. You think you know everything. You’re out of line.  You don’t know me like that. You hurt my feelings.   You bring me down. You always speak without thinking.  Stop talking. The above were said to me at one time or another by…

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Student Athlete: Are You Sabotaging Your Career After Sports?

By | Uncategorized

Are you learning enough?  Are you going to graduate?  Do you know what you are going to do after you your career as a competitive athlete is over?  The people that can help you answer these questions are right there at your disposal.   It would be wise, and for your benefit, to develop a relationship with them.  These people are your teachers and professors.  I don’t feel like going to class today.  I’m not going. All I need to make on this test is a 70, and I will pass the class. I don’t need to talk to my teacher…

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Student Athlete: Can You Be Trusted To Not Cause Problems?

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To be among the best candidates for a position on a team, coaches have to be able to trust that you will not cause them, the school, the team, or yourself any problems.  Problems are distractions that have to be dealt with.  The success of a team, and yours, is dependent on the elimination of problems that may interfere with the achievement of that success.  Therefore, coaches not only have to trust that you will fulfill your obligations as a student, a teammate, and a person, but that you will do so without bringing these type problems. I’m playing like…

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6 Points About The Kaepernick Issue That Parents Can Talk To Their Super Athlete About

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Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem at his National Football League (NFL) games with the San Francisco 49ers.  As the NFL’s new season approaches, he does not have a team to play for and he is suing the NFL.  This incident has been unfolding for the world to watch, including children and student athletes. In the wake of Kaepernick’s actions some of us parents are faced with the problem of explaining them to our children.  We are trying to find ways to talk to our children about what is going on and how to deal…

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Student Athlete: Are You Asking Questions Before You Protest?

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As a super student athlete, you are a role model.  You are seen and admired by many people and some of these people want to be like you.  Therefore, they will imitate some of your actions.   What you do in and out of competition will sometimes be more significant compared to the same actions of other people.  Because of the weight of influence on others that you carry, you have to be more cautious and responsible in what you do.  We are walking out of class tomorrow because they beat-up somebody last night.  Are you going to walk out, too?…

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Athlete: Are you Embarrassing Your Coach and School?

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As a student athlete what you do in public affects your school, your coach, and your team.  When you decided to play on a team for your school or organization, you agreed to become a representative for that school or organization.  Which means you accepted the obligations to protect and support their image.  This includes through your actions.  Your actions have to be in line with what is acceptable by your school because you are now a part of it.  When people see you they see your school. So what if I posted that picture on Facebook?  It’s my page….

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